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Healing Herbs tijdelijke promotie
 © Healing Herbs
 © Healing Herbs
Healing Herbs Stock Red Chestnut
Positieve, transformerende kwaliteit:
Rustige en genezende gedachten naar anderen kunnen sturen; hulp geven waar mogelijk; vrijheid met betrekking tot problemen van anderen; goed de eigen geestelijke ruimte kunnen handhaven.
Overbezorgdheid en zorgen over anderen, voor de verwachting dat anderen iets zal overkomen; het ergste verwachten; angst in verband met de veiligheid van anderen.

For those who find it difficult not to be anxious for other people. Often they have ceased to worry about themselves, but for those of whom they are fond they may suffer much, frequently anticipating some unfortunate thing may to happen to them. [Bach: Twelve Healers and Other Remedies 1936]

Everyone of us also has sympathy with those in distress, and naturally so, because we have all been in distress ourselves at some time in our lives. So that not only can we heal ourselves, but we have the great privilege of being able to help others to heal themselves, and the only qualifications necessary are love and sympathy. [Bach: Collected Writings]
Vanaf € 14,64
* Maximaal te bestellen aantal: 99